#8 Talking to Users - (PKO Investments) Holly Liu | Slush 2022

Discover the importance of understanding users as people, not just customers, and how to effectively gather insights to create solutions they truly want at Slush 2022 with Holly Liu from PKO Investments.

Key takeaways
  • Users are not just customers, but people with their own problems and wants.
  • Talking to users is not just a team effort, but also a cultural setting.
  • Asking about the past helps bring to light what users want.
  • Avoid talking too much about your solution, as users will get distracted.
  • Ask open-ended questions to encourage conversation.
  • Try to get users to show you what they’re doing, rather than just asking questions.
  • Humans are evolutionary, not revolutionary, and you need to understand what they want.
  • Your goal as a founder is to make something that people want.
  • Users are the ones who will tell you what the problem is, rather than you coming up with a solution.
  • Good problems are common or pervasive, and solving them will make you successful.
  • Asking people to show you their user experience is more important than asking them to tell you about it.
  • Users may not know what they want, but you can find out by watching them use your product.
  • Data helps illuminate what users want, but it’s not the only factor.
  • Make sure to follow your users and don’t fight with what happened.
  • It’s important to involve the entire team in the user research process.
  • You should be focused on making something that people want, rather than just making something.
  • Users are the ones who will tell you what the problem is, not you.
  • Innovation is not just about being revolutionary, but also being evolutionary.