A design pattern goes to the supermarket by Kaya Weers

Design patterns in software development: learn how the Template Method, Factory Method, Adapter, Command, Observer, Strategy, and Facade patterns solve common problems at a supermarket with Bobby and Billy.

Key takeaways
  • Design patterns are solutions to common problems that occur during software development.
  • The example used is a supermarket and two friends, Bobby and Billy, who go shopping and order bread.
  • The pattern used is the Template Method, where the steps of preparing bread are defined in a superclass, and the subclasses override the specific steps.
  • The Factory Method is used to create different types of bread, and the Adapter is used to convert the interface between the Spanish and English languages.
  • The Command Pattern is used to encapsulate the request in a standalone object, the note.
  • The Observer Pattern is used to notify the observers of the update in the stock.
  • The Strategy Pattern is used to define a family of algorithms, in this case, the different ways to prepare bread.
  • The Facade Pattern is used to provide a simplified interface to the client.
  • Design patterns are not code, but rather a concept, a strategy to solve a problem.
  • The book “Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software” by the Gang of Four provides a comprehensive guide to design patterns.
  • Design patterns are used to gain knowledge about how to solve a problem, how to look at a problem.
  • They can be used to simplify the code and make it easier to understand.
  • Design patterns are not a panacea, but rather a tool to help solve common problems.
  • It’s important to learn about design patterns and understand how to use them in your own code.