London Tech Summit - How Tech Leaders are Tackling the Climate Crisis

Learn how tech leaders are tackling the climate crisis through sustainable practices, employee engagement, and research & development of carbon removal solutions, with strategies for reducing emissions and prioritizing sustainability.

Key takeaways
  • Several low-hanging fruit for companies to reduce their emissions include:
    • Corporate travel: e.g. incentivizing employees to take trains instead of planes
    • Purchasing goods and services: e.g. sourcing products with minimal carbon footprint
    • Food waste reduction: e.g. reducing food waste in offices and at home
    • Renewable energy: e.g. using renewable energy sources for company operations
  • Companies should have a net-zero strategy, with clear targets and milestones
  • Employee engagement is crucial, and companies should educate and empower employees to make sustainable choices
  • Carbon offsetting is a option, but also recognize its limitations
  • Supercritical companies should focus on removing emissions, rather than just offsetting them
  • The tech sector has a critical role to play in addressing climate change, and companies should invest in research and development of carbon removal solutions
  • Companies should prioritize reducing scope 1 and 2 emissions, and then focus on scope 3 emissions, which are often the most challenging to address
  • The financial sector should prioritize sustainability, and companies should report on their ESG metrics
  • Companies should have a net-zero strategy that is supported by their leadership team and employees
  • The food waste problem is significant, and companies should prioritize reducing food waste in their operations