A Tour of the Eighth Floor: Livecoding Music with Fennel and Renoise

Explore the innovative livecoding music tool, The Eighth Floor, which combines Fennel and Renoise to generate music in real-time. Learn how sequences, combinators, and macros work together to create music for a variety of styles and live performances.

Key takeaways
  • Fennel is a LISP that compiles into Lua.
  • Renoise is a tracker-based music software.
  • The Eighth Floor is a live coding music tool that uses Fennel and Renoise.
  • It’s designed for live performance and uses sequences and combinators to generate music.
  • Sequences are functions that return the next value every time they’re called.
  • Combinators take sequences as input and produce sequences of strings.
  • The Eighth Floor has a syntax designed to match Renoise’s.
  • Macros can be written to rewrite code.
  • The tool is used for live coding, where the user interacts with the code in real-time.
  • It’s designed to be used with a projector to display the code and output music.
  • The user can control the music by typing into the code.
  • The Eighth Floor has been used for live coding performances.
  • Fennel’s syntax is consistent and readable.
  • Lua scripting API is used to access Renoise’s functionality.
  • Renoise has coroutines and is designed for live performance.
  • The Eighth Floor can be used to generate music for Renoise.
  • The user can control the music’s volume, pitch, and other parameters.
  • The Eighth Floor uses sequences and combinators to generate music.
  • Renoise is used to play back the generated music.
  • The Eighth Floor can be used to create music in a variety of styles.