A Year of Diagnosing Pediatric Cancer with Event Driven Architecture • Grant Lammi • GOTO 2023

Discover how a pioneering organization uses event-driven architecture to diagnose pediatric cancer, leveraging AWS services for real-time processing and automation of medical data analysis, with significant improvements in data processing times.

Key takeaways
  • Event-driven architecture (EDA) enables real-time processing and automation of medical data analysis.
  • The speaker’s organization uses EDA to diagnose pediatric cancer, leveraging AWS services such as EventBridge, Lambda, and DynamoDB.
  • The process involves collecting genomic data, analyzing it, and generating reports.
  • The organization uses a serverless architecture to process large amounts of data quickly and efficiently.
  • The speaker highlights the importance of human involvement in the process, especially when it comes to interpreting results.
  • The organization has seen significant improvements in data processing times, with some samples being analyzed in minutes rather than hours or days.
  • The speaker emphasizes the need for extensibility and flexibility in the system, allowing for easy addition of new features and analysis types.
  • The organization has replaced Excel with a custom-built interface for data analysis and reporting.
  • The speaker discusses the challenges of working with genomic data, including the need to handle large amounts of complex data and the importance of accuracy in analysis.
  • The organization uses a tiered approach to analysis, with secondary and tertiary analysis building on the primary analysis.
  • The speaker highlights the benefits of using EDA, including improved scalability, faster processing times, and reduced costs.