Adding PG15 Support to Citus Extension: Abdullah Hanefi Önaldı & Naisila Puka - PGCon 2023

Citus extension now supports PostgreSQL 15 with minimal changes, featuring updated internal logic, new SQL functions, and improved error handling, ensuring seamless compatibility and expanded functionality.

Key takeaways
  • The Citus extension can now support PostgreSQL 15, with few changes needed.
  • Citus support for PostgreSQL 15 involves updating the Citus extension to handle new features introduced in PostgreSQL 15.
  • The steps to add PG15 support involve updating internal logic, adding new SQL functions, and adjusting error handling.
  • The Citus extension underwent thorough testing to ensure compatibility with PostgreSQL 15.
  • The Citus extension needs to be updated to support new features like JSONB, window functions, and subqueries.
  • Citus users can now use cluster commands to query partition tables.
  • Citus was updated to support PostgreSQL 15 beta releases and release candidates.
  • Error messages were updated to provide more information and hints for troubleshooting.
  • The Citus extension was updated to support JSON path expressions and hoisted nested structures in JSONB.
  • Postgres 15 introduced the new nulls not distinct clause for creating new tables.
  • The Citus extension was updated to support new window functions and subqueries in PostgreSQL 15.
  • The Citus extension needed to be updated to support changes in PG 15, including JSONB support and new functions.