AI Tribes 2024 : Balancing the Equation Ethical Strategies for Bias Free AI


Balancing AI innovation with ethical regulation is crucial for bias-free AI.

Key takeaways
  • Balancing AI innovation with ethical regulation is a crucial step towards bias-free AI.
  • The speaker has a background in Capitol Hill and led a company before joining Workday as VP for corporate affairs.
  • Workday has been involved in AI development in the HR space, particularly in skills matching technology.
  • The company has been experimenting with AI to improve the hiring process, but also recognizes the importance of responsible technology development.
  • The speaker emphasizes the need for a regulatory structure that supports innovation while ensuring accountability and transparency.
  • The EU’s GDPR and the US’s AI Act are examples of regulatory efforts to address AI bias.
  • AI technology has the potential to perpetuate biases if not designed with ethical considerations.
  • The speaker suggests that a skills-based approach can help scale AI adoption, but requires careful consideration of the data used.
  • The company emphasizes the importance of transparency and accountability in AI development, and will work to create a framework for ethical standards in AI.
  • The speaker encourages others to engage in the regulatory AI conversation to shape the future of AI development.
  • Workday aims to create a platform that can accurately match job seekers with job openings, and is committed to building responsible AI technology.
  • The company will continue to work with regulators and stakeholders to ensure that AI development aligns with ethical and regulatory standards.