Aleksandra Sikora - Take a rest from REST

Explore the evolution of API paradigms, from RPC to REST to GraphQL, and discover how fashion trends can inform API design, emphasizing adaptability, decoupling, and type safety.

Key takeaways
  • APIs evolve over time, and so do fashion trends
  • RPC (Remote Procedure Call) was an early API paradigm, but it had strict constraints and was tightly coupled with the server
  • REST (Representational State of Resource) is a simpler and more flexible API paradigm, but it has its own limitations
  • GraphQL is a more recent API paradigm that solves some of the problems of RPC and REST
  • Fashion and APIs share similarities, such as the need for adaptability and evolution
  • The client and server need to be decoupled, and APIs need to be designed with this in mind
  • Type safety is important for APIs, and GraphQL provides a way to achieve it
  • APIs need to be designed with the needs of the project in mind, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution
  • The speaker recommends evaluating the needs of the project before deciding on an API paradigm
  • APIs need to be designed with the client and server in mind, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution
  • Type safety is important for APIs, and GraphQL provides a way to achieve it
  • Fashion and APIs share similarities, such as the need for adaptability and evolution