Voxxed Days Ioannina 2024 - Beyond the Sunset: Navigating through Vue.js 2 EOL and Vue 3 Migration

Migrating to Vue.js 3: A Step-by-Step Guide to EOL, Compatibility, and Best Practices

Key takeaways
  • When considering the EOL of Vue.js 2, consider the compatibility mode and the need to update to Vue.js 3.
  • When migrating, prioritize fixing your own code first, then tackle warnings and deprecated features.
  • The compatibility mode allows for a gradual transition, but be aware of breaking changes and potential issues.
  • To prepare for the migration, start by removing deprecated features, then refactor your code in small, incremental steps.
  • Use the createApp method to mount components in the correct target element.
  • The new Vue.js 3 has better support for TypeScript and improved performance thanks to tree shaking.
  • Keep an eye on the official documentation for breaking changes and deprecated features.
  • The Core Team has provided packages for compatibility, but be aware that they may not be maintained.
  • To avoid issues, start by fixing your own code, then tackle deprecated features, and finally, remove them.
  • Consider using Pina as an alternative to Vuex.
  • When migrating, prioritize the composition API and avoid using internal APIs or deprecated features.
  • The process requires planning, testing, and continuous improvement to avoid issues and ensure a smooth transition.
  • It is recommended to upgrade to the latest version of Vue.js as soon as possible.
  • Consider using the teleport feature to improve component rendering.
  • The compatibility mode can provide warnings and is recommended to be used until the actual migration.
  • In the process, you may need to refactor your code, remove deprecated features, and fix warnings.
  • The Vue.js 3 version is more structured and easier to use, but requires an update to the API.
  • The Vue CLI is being replaced with VIT, a new tool that is more promising.