All work and no play makes Gophers something something - John Gregory

Join John Gregory as he builds a retro-themed text-based maze game in Go, inspired by classic 80s and 90s games played on his brother's Dragon 32 computer.

Key takeaways
  • The speaker is John Gregory, a software engineer, and he’s talking about building a game in Go.
  • The game is inspired by classic maze games from the 80s and 90s, when computers were first becoming popular for gaming.
  • The speaker’s own experience playing games on his brother’s Dragon 32 computer in the 80s sparked his interest in building this game.
  • The game is designed to be played in a terminal, using text characters to create a simple 2D maze.
  • The speaker used a 2D slice to represent the maze, and a simple algorithm to move the player around.
  • The game can be played in a loop, with the player moving around the maze until they reach the exit.
  • The speaker notes that the game is not intended to be a commercial product, but rather a personal project to demonstrate how to build a simple game in Go.
  • The code is available on the speaker’s GitHub page.
  • The game is designed to be easy to understand and simple to build, with a focus on exploring the basics of Go programming.
  • The speaker acknowledges that the game is not perfect and there are many ways to improve it.
  • The speaker encourages developers to create their own games and projects, citing the joy and satisfaction of building something themselves.
  • The game is a nostalgic reminder of the early days of computer gaming and the excitement of building something new with code.