Accessibility-First Design and Development

Learn how to design and develop websites with accessibility in mind, from providing alternative text for images to using simple solutions and semantic HTML structures, covering the basics of WCAG guidelines and more.

Key takeaways
  • Make accessibility a priority: It’s not just about complying with regulations, but about making websites usable for everyone.
  • Use alt tags: Providing alternative text for images is crucial for screen readers and users with visual impairments.
  • ARIA labels: Using ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) labels helps screen readers understand content and provides better accessibility.
  • Simple solutions can be effective: Sometimes, the simplest solution is the best one. For example, using a button instead of a complex dropdown menu.
  • Document flow is important: Organizing content with headings, paragraphs, and semantics helps screen readers understand the document structure.
  • Font size and color contrast are important: Ensure that font sizes are legible and contrast is sufficient for users with visual impairments.
  • Focus on mindset: Changing the way we think about accessibility can lead to better solutions. Focus on making websites usable for everyone.
  • Use semantic HTML: Using semantic HTML structures like headers, paragraphs, and lists helps screen readers understand content.
  • Mobile-first design: Designing for mobile devices first can help identify accessibility issues and improve overall user experience.
  • Audits are important: Conducting regular audits can help identify and fix accessibility issues before they become major problems.
  • Client education is key: Educating clients about accessibility and its importance can help change the way we approach design and development.
  • WCAG guidelines: Following the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) can help ensure that websites are accessible to everyone.