What do investors want in startups?

Investors in startups seek good concepts, teams, and business models, along with market potential and opportunities, but also demand sustainable revenue streams, realistic market opportunities, and strong relationships.

Key takeaways

Key Takeaways

  • Investors in startups look for a good concept, a good team, and a good business model
  • Market potential and opportunities are important, but startups should focus on survival and adaptability
  • Web3 is often plagued by unrealistic expectations and a lack of understanding of traditional business models
  • Token sales are not a business model, and startups should focus on creating a sustainable revenue stream
  • Investors want to see realistic market opportunities, a good business model, and a sustainable revenue stream
  • Startups should focus on building relationships and trust with investors
  • Burn rate and runway are important considerations for investors
  • Startups should focus on survival and adaptability, rather than focusing on growth
  • Decentralized technologies can be exclusive and inaccessible to many people
  • Startups should focus on creating inclusive and accessible solutions
  • Market expectations and trends can change quickly, and startups should be prepared to adapt
  • Investors look for smart pitches and a clear understanding of the startup’s value proposition
  • Web3 is a rapidly evolving space, and startups should stay up-to-date with the latest developments and trends
  • Collaboration and innovation are important for building a healthy and sustainable ecosystem