One Rule to Rule Them All • Pragmatic Dave Thomas • GOTO 2023

Discover the secret to agile software development: making code easier to change, embracing adaptability, and leveraging intuition and pattern recognition to make better decisions.

Key takeaways
  • Make it easier to change: this is the key to agile software development, where every component is designed to be easily changed and evolved over time.
  • The world is always changing, and our code must adapt to these changes: this is why “perfect” code is an illusion, as it’s impossible to predict and prepare for all future changes.
  • Our subconscious plays a crucial role in decision-making: we often make decisions without conscious thought, and our subconscious can be trained to make better choices over time.
  • Intuition and pattern recognition are natural human abilities: we should tap into these abilities to make better decisions, rather than relying solely on conscious thought.
  • All design principles and project practices are special cases of “make it easier to change”: this principle should guide our approach to software development.
  • There is no perfect software: every piece of software is imperfect and can be improved over time.
  • The only important thing is that code is easy to change: perfection is an illusion, and code that is designed to be easily changed is the most valuable.
  • We should focus on making decisions based on our subconscious, rather than trying to use rules and formulas: this approach can lead to better decisions and more effective problem-solving.
  • Agile software development is about embracing change and making code easier to change, rather than trying to create perfect code: this approach can help us adapt to a rapidly changing world.