Tips for Building Successful Platform Teams • Dave Farley • GOTO 2024

Dave Farley shares practical tips on building successful platform teams, emphasizing ease of use, minimal coupling, and support for independence, with real-world examples and valuable insights for developers and teams.

Key takeaways
  • Platform teams should prioritize making it easy for stream-aligned teams to use the platform, rather than the other way around.
  • Good platform teams are aware of the coupling between different parts of the system and work to minimize its impact.
  • Platforms should be designed with loose coupling in mind, and API design should prioritize ease of use.
  • Effective change management is crucial for platform teams, and they should focus on insulating users from change.
  • The principles that matter for success in platform development include ease of use, minimal coupling, and support for independence.
  • Effective design requires a focus on the outcomes rather than the implementation details.
  • Coupling is a natural part of platform design, but it’s essential to manage it effectively to avoid forcing change on users.
  • Teams should be able to make progress independently of one another, and platform teams should strive to enable this.
  • The “ivory tower” approach to platform development, where the platform team works in isolation from real-world use, is common but ineffective.
  • Platform teams should prioritize simplicity and flexibility in their design, and avoid overly complex solutions.
  • Good platforms are self-service and require minimal coordination between different parts of the system.
  • The cost of perfectly “DRY” code is increased coupling, which is a trade-off that platform teams should consider.
  • Effective API design requires a focus on the data and functionality that is exposed to users, rather than the implementation details.
  • Platform teams should strive to provide common functions and services that can be used by multiple teams, but avoid forcing change on users.