Alyona Galyeva & Dr. Sebastian Werner - 5 ways to fail with time series

"Learn 5 crucial lessons to avoid common pitfalls when working with time series data, from model staticity and normalization to timestamps and noise, to maintain accurate forecasting and predictive maintenance."

Key takeaways

timeseries data is everywhere and often forgotten, a rabbit hole

  • oversized libraries and ignoring context lead to issues *
  • don’t assume models are static, model changing assumption *
  • and don’t assume models are not static, but model stays the same *
  • dealing with large data sets can cause memory issues *
  • data normalizations are important *
  • when working with sequence data, boundaries play a big role *
  • cardinality matters, e.g., sampling every minute affects results *
  • resampling data can lead to trail of actual measurements *
  • timestamps are important, ignore or don’t understand *
  • predictive maintenance is interesting and valuable *
  • when working with sensors, one must consider noise and uptime *
  • sampling frequency affects model choice *
  • Gaussian error distribution can be misleading *
  • data processing can easily obstruct analysis *
  • don’t assume autoregressive analysis is correct for all timeframes *
  • forecasting accuracy is crucial, especially for money *
  • timestamps handled between libraries is important *
  • don’t ignore cross dependencies between variables *
  • working with sequence data can lead to difficulties with noise and boundaries *
  • big data assumes all data is valuable, but that’s not always the case *
  • assuming absolute timestamps is crucial *
  • predicting human behavior can be challenging, involving cultural and personal impacts *
  • assuming the forecast is perfect is not realistic *
  • don’t ignore sampling rate, physical constraints, and other influences *
  • revisit models frequently to maintain performance *
  • choose models wisely, taking into account frequency, noise, and sampling rate *
  • consider external factors, like volatility, when modeling *
  • Thanks notes: