API World Conference: What Exactly Is the AR Cloud and Why Should You Care?


Explore the AR cloud, a future infrastructure powering augmented reality experiences, and discover its potential to transform industries, revolutionize entertainment, and change the way we live and interact with technology.

Key takeaways
  • The AR cloud is an infrastructure that powers augmented reality experiences, and it’s estimated to reach 1.7 billion devices by 2023.
  • The AR cloud will bring about a new way of living, working, and playing, and it will require a new level of understanding of how people interact with technology.
  • The AR cloud will be the enabler for the digital twin of the entire planet, which will be fueled by massive data and multiplied by the power of AI.
  • The AR cloud will allow for the creation of immersive experiences that blur the lines between the physical and digital worlds.
  • The AR cloud will be driven by the convergence of technologies such as edge compute, 5G, and IoT.
  • The AR cloud will enable businesses to create new experiences that were previously unimaginable, such as virtual try-on and virtual product demos.
  • The AR cloud will require a new level of data management and security, as it will be handling vast amounts of data and will need to be able to manage permissions and access.
  • The AR cloud will be the key to unlocking the virtual world, and it will require a new level of understanding of how people want to interact with technology.
  • The AR cloud will enable new ways of working, such as remote technical assistance and virtual training, which will revolutionize industries such as healthcare and education.
  • The AR cloud will also enable new forms of entertainment, such as virtual concerts and live events.
  • The AR cloud will require a new level of infrastructure, including 5G networks and edge compute, and will need to be able to handle the massive amounts of data that will be generated.
  • The AR cloud will be the key to unlocking the digital twin of the entire planet, which will be a massive virtual representation of the real world.
  • The AR cloud will enable new forms of commerce, such as virtual try-on and virtual product demos, which will revolutionize the way people shop.
  • The AR cloud will require a new level of understanding of how people interact with technology, and will need to be able to manage permissions and access.
  • The AR cloud will be the key to unlocking the virtual world, and will require a new level of infrastructure and technology.