At $300M ARR, What Makes G-P a Product Led Organisation?

Discover how $300M ARR company G-P achieved success through a customer-centric, product-led approach.

Key takeaways
  • GP’s culture is customer-centric, allowing for a product-led organization to drive growth.
  • The company’s product development and innovation teams are driven by customer feedback, ensuring products are relevant and useful to end-users.
  • Sherry Fernandez, VP of Product Management, highlights the importance of listening to customers, iterating on products, and being flexible to adapt to changing market conditions.
  • Key growth drivers include identifying market opportunities, conducting market research, and working closely with sales and marketing teams.
  • Continuous improvement is crucial, and the company uses data and analytics to inform product decisions.
  • PLG (Product-Led Growth) has been a key driver of growth, allowing the company to focus on the product and customer experience.
  • The company has introduced new products to help with global hiring, including GP Recruit and GP Contractor.
  • Sherry highlights the importance of role models and mentorship for women in the tech industry, and notes that female founders face unique challenges in securing funding and growing their businesses.
  • The company has seen significant growth, with 75% year-over-year growth, and is now at $300M ARR.
  • Sherry’s daily routine includes a 15-minute check-in with her team, and she prioritizes spending time with her family in the morning.
  • The company is committed to iterating on its products and using agile methodologies to test and learn from customer feedback.