Back to Basics: C++ Smart Pointers - David Olsen - CppCon 2022

Simplify your C++ code, avoid memory leaks, and master smart pointers with expert David Olsen, covering best practices for unique_ptr, shared_ptr, and more at CppCon 2022.

Key takeaways
  • Use make_unique or make_shared whenever possible to simplify code and avoid memory leaks.
  • Smart pointers can help with cleanup, but don’t rely solely on them.
  • Always be mindful of ownership and who is responsible for freeing memory.
  • Avoid using raw pointers unless necessary.
  • Use unique_ptr for ownership, but not sharing.
  • Use shared_ptr for shared ownership, but not transfer of ownership.
  • Avoid pointers to single objects and arrays, instead use smart pointers.
  • Null pointers are not the same as smart pointers.