Biden Covid Response Former Sr Adv Andy Slavitt, Skoll Foundation Exec Dr Nancy Messonnier, MD

Experts from the Biden Covid Response team and Skoll Foundation discuss how to improve public health infrastructure, address vaccine equity, and build trust in institutions to effectively combat the pandemic.

Key takeaways
  • The pandemic has exposed existing societal issues, such as mistrust of science and government, and the need for improved communication and public health infrastructure.
  • Boosters are not the solution to the problem, and the focus should be on vaccine equity and access.
  • Technology can play a role in combating disinformation, but it’s not a magic solution.
  • The US needs to learn from other countries, such as Hong Kong and Taiwan, that have handled the pandemic more effectively.
  • Public health leaders need to understand the communities they serve and be willing to listen and adapt.
  • The pandemic has highlighted the need for a more equitable society, with better access to healthcare and social services.
  • The US needs to build back trust in its institutions and address the root causes of mistrust.
  • The pandemic has been a wake-up call for the need to address systemic issues, such as income inequality and lack of access to healthcare.
  • Science and politics should not be separate entities, and scientists need to be more engaged in the policy-making process.
  • The pandemic has shown that the US is not prepared for a global health crisis, and there is a need for improved infrastructure and coordination.
  • The US needs to adopt a more global approach to public health, recognizing that health is a shared responsibility.
  • The pandemic has exposed the need for better communication and transparency, particularly from government and public health officials.
  • The US needs to address the root causes of mistrust and disinformation, rather than just treating the symptoms.