Building Practical, Cost-Efficient GenAI Solutions Using Serverless • Veda Raman • GOTO 2023

"Discover how to build practical, cost-efficient GenAI solutions using serverless technologies and services, including Step Functions, foundation models, and SageMaker. Learn how to reduce costs and improve agility in your applications."

Key takeaways
  • Gen-AI models are used to solve real-world problems and improve applications
  • Predictive models are important for use cases, but cost-efficient solutions are needed
  • Use of serverless services helps reduce costs
  • Step Functions is a low-code, no-code solution for workflow automation
  • Foundation models from AI21 Labs, Amazon Bedrock, and Hugging Face can be used
  • Prompt engineering is crucial for generating text, especially for generative AI applications
  • Bedrock is an API-driven service for accessing large language models
  • SageMaker is also a service for machine learning model training and deployment
  • Data orchestration and choreography are important for managing data in serverless workflows
  • Cost optimization is crucial for building cost-efficient Gen-AI solutions
  • Serverless services can help reduce costs and improve agility in building applications
  • Generative AI applications require both deterministic and probabilistic models