SAINTCON 2016 - Andrew Brandt (Spike) - Ingress Egress: The emerging threats of AR gaming

Discover the emerging threats of AR gaming in Ingress, including the use of automation tools, data privacy concerns, and the potential for griefing and imbalance, and learn how to promote fairness and sportsmanship in the game.

Key takeaways
  • The game Ingress allows players to use third-party tools, such as Knock’s, to automate and enhance gameplay, potentially creating an unfair competitive advantage.
  • The use of these tools can be difficult to detect, as they can mimic human behavior and hide their activity behind a veil of plausible deniability.
  • Niantic’s handling of player data and analytics has raised concerns about security and privacy, with some players using tools to intercept and manipulate network traffic.
  • The game can be vulnerable to griefing, where one side uses malicious tools to disrupt the gameplay of another side, potentially causing frustration and disappointment for players.
  • There are concerns about the ethics of using automation tools in Ingress, and the potential for bots to create an imbalance in the game.
  • The game’s industries, particularly the blue and green industries, have developed and refined their use of automation tools, creating a competitive dynamic that has led to the development of more sophisticated tools.
  • There are concerns about the potential consequences of using automation tools, including the potential for exploitation and the potential for harm to others.
  • The speaker recommends that players take a step back and consider the potential consequences of using automation tools, and to seek out solutions that promote fairness and sportsmanship in the game.