How hacking works - Web edition - Espen Sande-Larsen - NDC London 2024

Discover how hacking works, learn to write code responsibly, and find and fix software vulnerabilities. Personal anecdotes and live demos illustrate the power and ethics of hacking, emphasizing the importance of coding and security.

Key takeaways
  • Hacking is a way to write code to solve problems, but when used maliciously it can be harmful.
  • The presentation is about how hacking works and how it can be used in a responsible way.
  • The presenter shares a personal anecdote about a time he tried to hack a website and was caught by the developers.
  • The presentation will show examples of how hacking can be used in a good way, such as in a challenge at a conference.
  • The presentation will also discuss the ethics of hacking and how it can be used for good or bad.
  • Hacking is a way to find and fix vulnerabilities in software.
  • The presenter shows an example of a web exploit that allows him to take over a server.
  • The presentation will discuss the importance of learning about coding and security.
  • The presenter shares a story about how he learned about coding and security through a challenge at a conference.
  • The presentation will also discuss the importance of responsible disclosure of vulnerabilities.
  • The presenter shows an example of a vulnerability in an npm package that is still used by thousands of people.
  • The presentation will discuss the importance of learning about security and how it can be used in a responsible way.