A Manufacturer's Post-Shipment Approach to Fend-Off IoT Malware in Home Appliances

Learn how a manufacturer's post-shipment approach can detect and prevent IoT malware in home appliances, maintaining product security throughout its life cycle with collaboration, threat intelligence, and built-in anti-malware solutions.

Key takeaways
  • Continuous effort is required to improve product security throughout the product life cycle.
  • The security strength of a product can decrease over time as attacks evolve.
  • Self-protection can be a reasonable option when a firmware update is not possible.
  • Collaboration with business units is necessary to develop effective security solutions.
  • Manufacturers should consider and control suitable levels of security for their products.
  • IoT devices are vulnerable to attacks and require additional security measures.
  • Lightweight and minimum operational impact are important considerations for IoT device security.
  • Threat intelligence can be used to improve activities at each phase of the product lifecycle.
  • SRAM (Self-Protection, Resilience, Immunity Module) is a built-in anti-malware that detects and stops IoT malware inside a device.
  • A manufacturer-developed IoT threat intelligence platform, Astira, can help improve product security.
  • The project Astira enables efficiency and reliability for each pre-shipment activity and helps prevent products from losing security strength over time.
  • Reasonable security varies on stakeholders and industry requirements.