Building Scalable Deployments with Multiple Goroutines - Sadie Freeman

"Learn how to build scalable deployments with concurrency, scaling, and Kubernetes, covering topics such as goroutines, wait groups, environment variables, and more, with Sadie Freeman."

Key takeaways
  • Use concurrency to speed up tasks, such as adding more go routines to run tasks in parallel
  • Scale up or down by adjusting resources, such as CPU and memory
  • Use Kubernetes to manage deployments and scale pods
  • Use a wait group to ensure all go routines have finished before ending the program
  • Split out separate functions into their own go routines
  • Use an environment variable to check which loop to run and then run it
  • Adjust the number of pods for each deployment based on the resources needed
  • Scale up pods to create multiple replicas of the containers
  • Use aCloud service to manage traffic and distribute it across pods