Collision 2022: Opening Night

Discover the future of technology at Collision 2022, where industry leaders discuss inclusive innovation, interactive entertainment, sustainable energy, and responsible tech use, with a focus on building a better world.

Key takeaways
  • Collision 2022: Opening Night highlights the importance of making technology more accessible, open, and inclusive.
  • NFTs are just a small part of what’s happening in the industry, and misconceptions should be shattered.
  • The world is surveilled, and technology authoritarianism should be avoided.
  • Canada is prioritizing room for everyone to succeed, including a city with a strong sense of purpose and commitment to inclusion.
  • The future of entertainment will be more interactive, immersive, and propelled by technology.
  • Representation is key, and telling new stories require changing the storytellers.
  • The current internet is fraught with scams, shams, and frauds, and it’s essential to build a new, more trustworthy internet.
  • The future of energy requires talent and innovation to create sustainable solutions.
  • The world is at a crossroads, and it’s crucial to make choices that promote hope and positivity.
  • Building a better future requires ensuring that technology is used responsibly and for the greater good.
  • The importance of being open-minded and embracing change is emphasized.
  • The goal is to make a real difference and start a movement that will unfold over the next few years.