Community Driven Data Collection and Consent in AI - Jessica Rose


Join Jessica Rose as she discusses the importance of community-driven data collection and consent in AI development, examining the role of data trusts, language diversity, and pose law in ensuring ethical AI implementations.

Key takeaways
  • AI is often touted as a revolutionary technology that will transform many aspects of our lives, but this hype can distract from the important issues surrounding its development and implementation.
  • Data collection for AI is a significant concern, as it often involves collecting personal information without proper consent or compensation.
  • The concept of data trusts is proposed as a solution, where an individual or organization is designated as the steward of the data and is responsible for its management and distribution.
  • Some companies, such as Wikimedia, are taking a different approach to data collection, gathering material from the Internet under licenses that allow for traceability and accountability.
  • Community-driven data collection and consent are essential for ensuring that AI is developed and implemented ethically.
  • The emphasis on language diversity and accent diversity in AI development is important for creating more inclusive and accurate language models.
  • The concept of pose law refers to the idea that satire and parody are often difficult to distinguish from genuine speech, making it challenging to develop regulations around AI content.
  • The development of AI data sets often involves scraping data from the Internet, which can be problematic if not done ethically.
  • Transparency and accountability are crucial for developing trust in AI-powered systems.
  • The idea that AI will replace human jobs is overblown, as AI can augment human capabilities rather than replacing them.
  • The goal of AI development should be to create systems that are transparent, accountable, and beneficial to society as a whole.
  • Community enforcement is necessary to ensure that AI is developed and implemented ethically.
  • The concept of “YOLO” (You Only Live Once) is used to refer to the idea that AI is often developed with the goal of making a quick buck or achieving short-term success rather than creating long-term value.
  • The development of AI should prioritize ethical considerations, such as fairness, transparency, and accountability, over commercial interests.