Day 2 Track 1 DAN WAHLIN

Simplify Angular template maintenance with control flow, a game-changer for developers, eliminating complex templates and property binding, and making maintenance a breeze.

Key takeaways
  • Control flow is now a simple and clean way to maintain Angular templates.
  • The new syntax is super simple and eliminates the need for complex named templates and property binding.
  • It’s now easy to use if/else statements, switch statements, and loops in templates.
  • The trackBy function is no longer needed for most use cases.
  • The syntax is inspired by JavaScript and is super easy to use.
  • Control flow is a game-changer for Angular development and simplifies template maintenance.
  • Dan Wahl’s talk demonstrated the power of control flow in simplifying Angular template development.
  • It’s now more important than ever to focus on performance and developer experience.
  • The Angular team has done an amazing job in simplifying the language and making it more accessible to new developers.
  • Control flow is a must-learn skill for any Angular developer.
  • Anyone who has struggled with complex template maintenance will love control flow.
  • Dan Wahl’s talk showed several examples of how control flow simplifies Angular development.