State Management Techniques and Family Therapy | Kate Sky | ng-conf 2022

Angular state management techniques: Explore NgRx, Redux-inspired solutions, and best practices for managing application state, improving maintainability and scalability.

Key takeaways
  • Angular’s change detection mechanism is complex and can be challenging to work with, especially in larger applications.
  • Redux-inspired state management can help solve this problem by providing a centralized and predictable way to manage application state.
  • NgRx is a state management library for Angular that implements the Redux architecture and provides a store for managing application state.
  • NgRx introduced new concepts such as actions, reducers, and selectors, which can help simplify state management.
  • Reducers are pure functions that take the current state and an action as input and return the new state.
  • Selectors are functions that return a part of the state, and are used to query the state without modifying it.
  • Memoization is a technique used to optimize selector performance by caching the result of expensive computations.
  • Effects are used to handle side effects such as API calls and other external interactions with the application.
  • NgRx provides a way to organize components into smart and dumb components, with smart components handling business logic and dumb components handling visual presentation.
  • When choosing a state management library, consider factors such as community support, documentation, and ease of use.
  • Redux and NgRx share similar concepts and can be used together to manage application state across multiple components and services.
  • Pure functions are functions that have no side effects and always return the same output given the same inputs, which makes them predictable and easier to test.
  • Actions are used to describe changes to the state and trigger updates to the store.
  • NgRx provides a way to test actions and reducers using Jest and other testing libraries.
  • Memoized functions are used to cache the result of expensive computations and avoid redundant calculations.
  • State management is an important aspect of software development and can help improve the maintainability and scalability of an application.
  • NgRx and Redux are just two examples of state management libraries, and there are many other options available for managing application state.
  • Choosing the right state management library depends on the specific needs of the project and the team’s preferences.
  • When it comes to debugging NgRx, the state management library provides a way to inspect the state and understand how it changes over time.
  • Debugging NgRx requires a good understanding of how the library works and how to use its tools and features effectively.