Smit Thakkar - Writing Clean Abstractions

Discover the art of writing clean abstractions that simplify complex systems, hide implementation details, and provide a clear interface, while avoiding common pitfalls like leaks and over-abstraction.

Key takeaways
  • Abstraction is a way to simplify complex things, but it can also lead to complexity if not done correctly.
  • Strong abstraction encapsulates a lot of complexity, but isn’t necessarily a good thing.
  • Weak abstraction encapsulates very little complexity.
  • Leaky abstractions reveal implementation details, making it harder to use.
  • A good abstraction has safe defaults and is easy to use, without requiring users to understand the underlying implementation.
  • Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) and Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP) can help create clean abstractions.
  • Abstractions are not just about making code look nice, but also about hiding complexity and providing a clear interface.
  • Code that follows SRP and DIP is easier to maintain and debug.
  • Abstractions should be designed to make it easy to add new features and modify existing ones.
  • Leaky abstractions can lead to a mess in the codebase and make it harder to maintain.
  • Safe defaults and clear interfaces are key to creating good abstractions.
  • Abstraction is a delicate balance between complexity and flexibility.
  • Every good abstraction has leaks, and it’s just a part of the process.
  • Pushing abstraction too far can lead to a loss of control and understanding of the code.
  • Strong abstractions can make the code harder to understand and debug.
  • Abstractions should be designed to be used, not just to look nice.
  • Good abstractions are designed to make it easy for users to do what they want, without having to understand the underlying implementation.