DEADScript: The Role Of JavaScript In Web Sustainability – Henri Helvetica, JSNation 2023

Discover the critical role of JavaScript in web sustainability, exploring the impact of unused code, carbon emissions, and the correlation between page weight and digital footprint.

Key takeaways
  • The amount of JavaScript being sent down the wire is massive, with 44% of it going unused.
  • Location is crucial in understanding carbon footprint, and can be calculated using
  • Electricity production plays a significant role in carbon emissions, with different methods producing varying levels of emissions.
  • The European Union is taking steps towards sustainability, with the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive requiring organizations to report on their sustainability metrics.
  • Digital sustainability is complicated and involves many factors, including data centers, networks, and consumer electronics.
  • Unused JavaScript can be a significant contributor to carbon emissions, with 37 requests at the 75th percentile being sent for JavaScript alone.
  • Page weight and carbon footprint are correlated, with page weight being a significant factor in carbon emissions.
  • The easiest way to tabulate digital sustainability is by looking at the amount of resources coming down the wire.
  • Digital sustainability is a priority for many organizations, with some even announcing their plans openly.
  • The UK government has taken steps towards sustainability, with a focus on digital sustainability.
  • Many countries, including Japan and Canada, are making significant efforts towards sustainability.
  • Further education and awareness are needed to promote digital sustainability.