Devoxx Greece 2024 - Quarkus meets AI : Build your own LLM-powered application


Discover how Quarkus and Linkchain4j can be used to build powerful AI applications with LLMs, including enhanced chatbots, intelligent customer service, and data analysis.

Key takeaways
  • LLMs (Language Model LARGE Models) are a type of AI model that can:
    • Generate human-like text based on input prompts
    • Answer questions and respond to user messages
    • Learn from vast amounts of text data
  • Linkchain4j, a Java library, can integrate with LLMs and other AI models
  • Devoxx Conference Talk: “Quarkus meets AI: Build your own LLM-powered application”
  • The talk covers:
    • Introduction to LLMs and their capabilities
    • Using Linkchain4j to create an LLM-powered application
    • Quarkus and its role in integrating with LLMs
    • Demo examples showing LLMs in action
  • LLMs can be used for:
    • Enhanced chatbots
    • Intelligent customer service
    • Data analysis and interpretation
    • Content creation
  • Fine-tuning LLMs is crucial for adapting them to specific use cases
  • Quarkus provides an easy-to-use interface for working with LLMs
  • The talk showcases how to create an LLM-powered application using Quarkus and Linkchain4j
  • Real-world examples of LLMs include:
    • AlphaZeroGo (Go-playing AI)
    • AlphaZeroChess (chess-playing AI)
    • ChatGPT (AI chatbot)
  • LLMs can be used for creative tasks such as:
    • Generating music
    • Creating art
    • Writing essays
    • Playing games
  • The speaker emphasizes the importance of:
    • Using LLMs responsibly
    • Ensuring fairness and transparency in AI development
    • Considering the ethical implications of AI
  • The talk concludes with a demonstration of LLMs in action using Quarkus and Linkchain4j.