"Diagrammar: Simply Make Interactive Diagrams" by Pontus Granström (Strange Loop 2022)

Discover Diagrammar, an innovative tool for creating interactive diagrams using a simple, functional programming approach, ideal for making learning more effective and engaging in STEM subjects.

Key takeaways
  • Diagrams are important for teaching and learning, but traditional tools are often cumbersome and may not be approachable for everyone.
  • Diagrammar is a tool that allows you to create interactive diagrams using a simple, functional programming approach.
  • Diagrammar’s architecture is focused on explicitness, simplicity, and modularity, making it easy to learn and use.
  • Diagrammar’s building blocks include multifunctional primitives, such as shapes, locators, and interactions, which can be combined to create complex diagrams.
  • The language of diagramming is focused on vectors, which provide a natural way to work with geometry and spatial transformations.
  • Diagrammar’s functional programming approach ensures that each function has a single, predictable effect, allowing for easy composition and reuse.
  • The API is designed to be learnable, with a focus on clarity and simplicity, and curation of a small set of building blocks.
  • Diagrammar is currently being used to create interactive lessons in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) subjects, with the goal of making learning more effective and engaging.
  • The tool is also designed to be extensible, allowing users to create their own custom diagrams and interactions.
  • Diagrammar’s functional programming approach makes it easy to create animations and interactive simulations, allowing users to explore complex concepts in an intuitive way.
  • The tool’s focus on simplicity and explicitness makes it easy for users to understand and work with, even for those without extensive programming experience.
  • Diagrammar is being used at Brilliant, an online learning platform, to create interactive lessons and exercises for students.