Did you know your browser had super powers? by Francesco Leardini and Andrea Vicari

Discover the "super powers" of modern browsers, including wake locks, document visibility, contact picker, and permission management APIs. Explore new functionalities and experiment with innovative web development features.

Key takeaways
  • Browsers have “super powers” that allow for new functionalities and interaction with hardware devices, such as reading ambient light, access to device hardware, and file system access.
  • The Wake Lock API allows developers to request a wake lock on the device, keeping the device awake and active.
  • The document visibility API allows developers to detect when a page is visible or not, and send notifications or take actions accordingly.
  • The Contact Picker API allows developers to request access to the user’s contacts, including name, address, and profile pictures.
  • The permission API allows users to grant or deny permission for web applications to access specific device hardware or features.
  • Web applications can use experimental APIs to read ambient light levels, using the ambient light sensor.
  • Some experimental APIs are supported by major browsers, but may not be widely supported.
  • Developers must consider security concerns and user permissions when implementing these new functionalities.
  • The speaker encourages attendees to explore these new capabilities and experiment with them in their own projects.
  • The presenter’s goal is to stimulate curiosity and creativity in the audience.