Dilek Sezgün | How you could use AI to catalyse Sustainability | Rise of AI Conference 2023

"Learn how AI can accelerate sustainability goals by optimizing data, predicting outcomes, and improving ESG reporting. Discover strategies for handling unstructured data, ensuring accuracy, and integrating sustainability into business operations."

Key takeaways
  • AI can be used as a catalyst towards sustainability, especially in ESG (Environmental Sustainable Governance) reporting.
  • 80% of companies are already investing in ESG reporting, with 64% of CEOs knowing their sustainable goals.
  • Challenges in sustainability reporting include handling unstructured data, lack of accuracy, and fragmented data sets.
  • AI models can be used to predict and optimize sustainability outcomes, such as CO2 footprint.
  • Data is a critical component of sustainability, and companies need to take care of their data foundation, integration, and governance.
  • IBM’s Cloud Pak for Data and OpenPages can help companies organize and structure their sustainability data.
  • Green IT and automation are also important considerations in sustainability reporting.
  • Companies need to balance their reporting and IT infrastructure to achieve sustainability goals.
  • Natural language processing (NLP) can be used to extract ESG data from unstructured sources.
  • Companies need to consider supply chain and Lieferkettengesetz (supply chain law) in their sustainability efforts.
  • A continuous cycle of improvement is needed to achieve sustainability goals.