DPC2019 Keynote: RTFM - Jessica Mauerhan

Discover the power of kindness and empathy in solving problems, and learn why RTFM is not always the best approach. By embracing a culture of mutual respect and open communication, we can create a more positive and welcoming community.

Key takeaways
  • RTFM (Read the Freaking Manual) is not always the best approach to solving problems.
  • Sometimes, all it takes is a little bit of kindness and empathy to change someone’s behavior.
  • We should be encouraging and welcoming to those who ask for help, rather than condescending or dismissive.
  • Everyone has something they can offer, and we should be kind and respectful to others.
  • RTFM doesn’t always provide the help we need, and seeking human interaction can be beneficial.
  • We get angry when people challenge our way of doing things, but it’s okay to admit when we’re wrong and apologize.
  • Empathy is the final step of maturity, and it’s important to practice cognitive empathy.
  • We should be open to learning from others and trying new approaches, even when they don’t work.
  • Sometimes, we need to take a step back and relearn how to approach problems, just like Eric learning to bowl.
  • Too much focus on being right and too little focus on being kind can lead to negative behavior.
  • Understanding another person’s perspective can be really hard, but it’s important to try.
  • We should be encouraged by others and try to create a positive and respectful community.
  • We can all learn from each other, regardless of our backgrounds or experiences.