Level Up: From CEO to a Leader. With Dāvis Siksnāns / Printful and Ieva Treija / Labs of Latvia

Join Dāvis Siksnāns, CEO of Printful, and Ieva Treija, Labs of Latvia, as they share leadership lessons on building strong teams, crisis preparedness, and innovation in a rapidly changing market.

Key takeaways
    1. Build a strong team: According to Dāvis Siksnāns, a good leader should empower their team and not be afraid to make mistakes.
    1. Be prepared for crisis: Printful was prepared for the pandemic by setting up remote work options and testing remote work strategies two weeks before the pandemic started.
    1. Carry on learning and reading: Dāvis emphasizes the importance of continuous learning and reading for personal and professional growth.
    1. Focus on strategy: Communication and strategy are key to overcoming challenges, not just technology or logistics.
    1. Empower team members: As a CEO or leader, it’s essential to empower team members, allowing them to take ownership and make decisions.
    1. Practice remote work: Printful has found remote work to be a successful strategy, with many team members working from home.
    1. Invest in the right team: Dāvis believes that investing in a good team is crucial, especially in times of crisis.
    1. Adapt to new situations: Be prepared to adapt to new situations and challenges.
    1. Focus on sustainability: Printful aims to sell products sustainably on demand globally.
    1. Maintain in-person connections: While remote work can be effective, it’s still important to maintain in-person connections.
    1. Learn from mistakes: Acknowledge and learn from mistakes, rather than trying to hide or cover them up.
    1. Continuous evaluation of strategy: Continuously evaluate and adapt strategy to stay ahead in the changing market.
    1. Inspiring leaders: Dāvis is inspired by leaders like Bezos and the way they build their businesses.
    1. Strong partnerships: Build strong partnerships and relationships, both internally and externally.
    1. Long-term perspective: Focus on a long-term perspective, rather than just short-term gains.
    1. Diversify and adapt: Be prepared to diversify and adapt to changes in the market and economy.
    1. Lean on experts: Lean on experts and advisors for guidance and support.
    1. Focus on innovation: Printful focuses on innovation and staying ahead of the curve in their industry.