In Silicon Valley, Engineers Deploy-and-Tell: Stories About Dockerizing an Application

Deployment and DevOps experts will share real-world stories of successfully Dockerizing applications, overcoming common challenges, and achieving faster development and testing cycles with practical solutions.

Key takeaways
  • Dockerizing an application is often a challenging process, particularly when it comes to troubleshooting and debugging.
  • Develop a prototype quickly, but it’s essential to scope the project to avoid scope creep.
  • The technical challenge of deploying an application in a Docker container is just the beginning, as there are still many other challenges to be overcome, such as maintaining, monitoring, and troubleshooting.
  • The company was concerned with money loss due to poor user experience, so they decided to use Docker to speed up development and testing.
  • Use AppDynamics to monitor and troubleshoot the application, especially during the transition from prototype to production.
  • Dancing in Docker containers is that the user conversions do not drop, they’ve doubled due to the smooth performance.
  • The developer is using Docker Compose to stack containers, but it has issues with continuum, so they are looking for other solutions like Kubernetes, AWS ECS, or Google Cloud.
  • Insuring a successful deployment requires asking the right questions and having the right tools and knowledge.
  • Docker allows you to separate the application code from the environment and infrastructure, making it easier to move the application to other services.
  • While it can take a lot of time to learn Docker, it is worth it in the long run.
  • Docker is a tool that helps the company deploy applications quickly and easily.
  • Politics can be a huge obstacle when trying to implement DevOps.
  • Some people are still not sure about the role of DevOps in their company, but it is becoming more and more popular.
  • Docker allows you to run the same application on different operating systems, such as Linux and Windows.