DPC2021: Diversity and Inclusion in Tech (Talk + Panel discussion)

Diversity and inclusion in tech require intentional effort, not just words. Explore the essentials: code of conduct, mentorship, recognizing cultural differences, and more.

Key takeaways
  • Diversity and inclusion require intentional effort and action, not just good intentions or words.
  • Diversity is not just about gender, but also based on religion, culture, language, and ability.
  • Tech companies and conferences should actively make an effort to be more inclusive, rather than relying on the assumption that gender diversity will take care of itself.
  • A code of conduct is necessary, but not sufficient, for creating a safe and inclusive space.
  • Privilege is a significant barrier to diversity and inclusion, and those with privilege must actively seek to dismantle it.
  • Mentorship and support are essential for creating opportunities for underrepresented groups.
  • Inclusivity is not just about providing access to infrastructure, but also about recognizing and respecting cultural and linguistic differences.
  • Feedback and criticism are necessary for growth and improvement, but should be handled respectfully and constructively.
  • Business sense and profit margins should not be the sole motivators for diversity and inclusion efforts.
  • Technology should be designed with the needs of diverse users in mind, rather than solely focusing on browser compatibility.
  • Authenticity and self-reflection are necessary for creating meaningful change.
  • Actionable steps towards diversity and inclusion require commitment and follow-through, regardless of good intentions.