Karen Jex, Lætitia AVROT: Trying to be Barbie in Ken's Mojo Dojo Casa House (PGConf.EU 2023)

Explore the challenges women face in the tech industry, including a gender pay gap, stereotypes, and limited representation, as speaker Karen Jex shares her insights on improving diversity and inclusion.

Key takeaways
  • A lack of certain employee benefits, such as flexible working, remote working, maternity leave, and pregnancy loss policies, can contribute to women’s decisions to leave their company.
  • Women are often assumed to be responsible for childcare and are frequently asked about their family plans during job interviews.
  • The tech industry has a significant gender pay gap, with women under 25 earning 29% less than their male counterparts.
  • Women experience imposter syndrome and are often stereotyped, with assumptions made about their career ambitions and choices.
  • Lack of female role models and mentors is a significant barrier to women entering and staying in tech careers.
  • Women are underrepresented in tech, occupying only 20% of all tech roles across European companies.
  • The tech industry has a long way to go in terms of diversity and inclusion, with biases and stereotypes affecting women’s experiences and opportunities.
  • Flexible and remote working can help women for multiple reasons, including managing menstruation or menopause symptoms.
  • The lack of representation of women in corporate leadership is a significant issue, with feedback provided to women being less actionable and less useful for leadership progression.
  • Women in tech roles often experience burnout and are seen as weak or too emotional due to the pressure to constantly prove themselves.
  • Increasing diversity and inclusion in tech requires acknowledging and addressing biases, stereotypes, and imbalances, as well as actively promoting equal opportunities and representation.