Efficient Model Selection for Deep Neural Networks on Massively Parallel Processing Databases

Automate model selection for deep neural networks on massively parallel processing databases with Model Hopper, a project that reduces analysis and human involvement while improving efficiency.

Key takeaways
  • Efficient model selection for deep neural networks on massively parallel processing databases is a challenging task.
  • Model Hopper parallelism is an approach that distributes partitions in different worker nodes, but only one model starts from the beginning and follows a sequential read.
  • The speaker presents a project that automates some model selection steps, reducing the need for analysis and human involvement.
  • The project uses tasks and data parallelism, distributing computations across multiple machines.
  • Model hopping encrypts data motion, making it more efficient, by only moving the model state between machines.
  • Gradient descent is a common optimizer used in deep learning, with a learning rate that determines the size of steps taken.
  • The speaker discusses an implementation of Model Hopper on a massively parallel processing database, using Greenplum as an example.
  • The speaker also talks about another method called Hyperband, which uses successive halving for hyperparameter tuning.
  • Deep learning data sets are extremely large, making efficient storage and memory management crucial.
  • The speaker discusses how to handle data and tasks on multiple machines, using libraries such as Keras and TensorFlow.
  • The speaker outlines a few key takeaways and the benefits of automating model selection, including reduced analysis and human involvement.
  • The speaker looks forward to improving GPU efficiency and supporting more automated machine learning methods.