Elisa Czerski | Embodied AI: How will it define our future? | Rise of AI Conference 2023

Discover the future of AI as Elisa Czerski explores embodied AI, its applications, and the need for innovation, regulation, and education to drive the growth of this transformative technology.

Key takeaways
  • Elisa Czerski discussed the concept of embodied AI, which is the connection of AI and robotics to create intelligent machines that can interact with humans.
  • She emphasized the importance of innovation, entrepreneurship, and regulation in the growth of the field, and the need for investment, both private and governmental.
  • Czerski mentioned that embodied AI can help solve global challenges like climate change, healthcare, and environmental disasters.
  • She highlighted the need for inclusive development of robots and robotic systems, taking into account different perspectives and needs.
  • The speaker mentioned the importance of accessibility and affordability of robots and AI technology, and the need to ensure that innovations are not exploited for malicious purposes.
  • Embodied AI is expected to be a major trend in the next five to ten years, with potential applications in various industries.
  • Czerski emphasized the importance of ensuring the safety and security of AI-powered robots, and the need for a mobile status of robots that can adapt to different situations.
  • The speaker mentioned that Germany and Europe have strengths in manufacturing, but also face challenges in the development of AI-powered robots.
  • She mentioned that AI and robotics can be used in various fields, such as healthcare, education, and disaster response.
  • Czerski highlighted the need for education and training in AI and robotics, and the importance of diversity and inclusion in the development of these technologies.
  • The speaker mentioned that embodied AI can be used to create robots that are more human-like, which can change the way humans interact with each other.
  • Czerski emphasized that Germany and Europe can be a leader in the development of AI-powered robots, but needs to invest in research and development, as well as regulation and education.