Elliot Gunn - How to write your way into a data job | PyData Global 2023

Learn how to stand out in the competitive data job market with a strong online presence, portfolio, and networking skills, and discover how to effectively communicate technical concepts to advance your career.

Key takeaways
  • Don’t just have a website, have a blog with a polished online presence to demonstrate your skills and experience.
  • Highlight your technical skills and experience, even if you’re a beginner, by writing about projects you’ve worked on.
  • Showcase your writing and speaking skills, as well as your ability to explain complex technical topics.
  • Having a portfolio of your work is crucial, as it shows your experience and skills in action.
  • Networking is easier when you have a portfolio to share.
  • Having a backup plan, such as a freelancer consultant career, can be helpful when seeking a job.
  • Join online communities and forums to stay informed about the latest trends and technologies.
  • Keep your online presence up to date and consistent, using platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter to share your work and engage with industry professionals.
  • Don’t be afraid to show your work and ask for feedback to improve.
  • Technical writers and engineers can benefit from having a background in writing and communication.
  • Having a strong online presence can help you stand out in the job market.
  • Learn to communicate complex technical information in a clear and concise manner.
  • Having a portfolio can help you get hired, even if you don’t have direct experience in a particular field.
  • Don’t underestimate the importance of having a strong online presence, even for those with strong networks and connections.
  • Be open to collaborating with others and learning from their experiences.
  • A well-curated online presence can help you grow as a technical person and establish credibility in your field.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help or advice from others in your field.
  • Having a portfolio can help you demonstrate your technical skills and experience.
  • Establishing trust with someone you’ve just met is key to successful networking.
  • Having a strong online presence can help you establish credibility and build trust with others in your field.