Fabian Westerheide | Opening & State of AI 2023 | Rise of AI Conference 2023


Explore the rise of AI in 2023, from regulations to responsible use, as Fabian Westerheide discusses AI's impact on our world, society, and business, offering compelling insights on shaping its future.

Key takeaways
  • AI is here to stay and will increasingly shape our world.
  • It’s crucial to address concerns around regulation, data, biases, and influence.
  • The European AI Act is a step in the right direction towards creating a framework.
  • ChatGPT is just a tool, not the end goal - the focus should be on building trust and reliable AI.
  • It’s essential to educate end-users about AI and encourage its responsible use.
  • The future of human-machine interaction in business life will be shaped by AI.
  • AI will increase productivity, but we need to ensure it’s sustainable and green.
  • We must connect with policymakers and the public to build trust and cooperation.
  • AI has the potential to make people more wealthy, but we need to address the wealth gap concerns.
  • The next decade will be crucial for shaping the future of AI and its impact on society.
  • It’s crucial to adapt and evolve our understanding and use of AI as it continues to evolve.
  • AI is not just limited to chatbots; it’s about creating a smarter, more efficient world.
  • We need to encourage experimentation and innovation in AI.
  • We should focus on building sustainable, green AI that benefits society.
  • Regulation is necessary to ensure AI is used responsibly and ethically.
  • AI will change the way we work and live, and we need to be prepared for these changes.
  • The future of AI is exciting, and we should be passionate about building a better world with it.