Five Common Signs of a Dysfunctional Leadership Team • George Burrows & Leandro Balan • YOW! 2019

Discover the warning signs of a dysfunctional leadership team and learn practical strategies to diagnose and cure common issues, from unproductive conflict to ineffective communication, and transform your team into a high-performing unit.

Key takeaways
  • Define healthcare for a dysfunctional leadership team: a leadership health monitor.
  • Identify 5 common signs of a dysfunctional leadership team: unproductive conflict, inability to make decisions, unclear ownership, lack of accountability, and ineffective communication.
  • Use a roles and responsibilities play to understand each team member’s strengths and weaknesses.
  • Run one-on-ones with every team member to identify roots of dissatisfaction.
  • For all groups, establish a shared understanding of what each leader is responsible for.
  • Regularly review and update roles and responsibilities.
  • Establish a Candor Framework for making decisions.
  • When faced with unclear ownership, check your ego at the door and agree on a united front.
  • Be open and transparent in your communication.
  • Set shared goals between teams.
  • Document almost every decision made, even if it’s not recorded.
  • Establish a SWAT team for complex projects.
  • Lead by example by showing a positive attitude.
  • Don’t underestimate the importance of one-on-one meetings.
  • Create an action mitigation plan to address issues.
  • Identify your dependencies and dependencies of others.
  • Run a personality test to understand team member characteristics.
  • When disagreements arise, seek input from all parties.
  • Learn to let go of things that no longer serve your team.
  • Continuously improve and iterate on your leadership style.