Pavithra & Dharhas Pothina - Community-first open source: An action plan! | SciPy 2023

Discover the benefits of community-driven open source, from sustainability to growth, with a clear governance structure, open communication, and community involvement.

Key takeaways
  • The presentation discusses the transition of a company-backed open source project to a community-driven one, citing the benefits of community-driven open source, including increased sustainability, long-term growth, and more active contributors.
  • The benefits of community-driven open source outweigh the challenges of maintaining company control.
  • To transition to community-driven open source, the project must have a clear governance structure, clear communication, and a willingness to adapt to feedback from the community.
  • The project leader should be open to changes in the project’s direction and willing to adapt to the community’s needs.
  • The company should provide resources and support to the community, including documentation, issue tracking, and accessible communication channels.
  • The presentation notes that it is possible to balance the needs of the company with the needs of the community by setting clear goals and priorities, and involving the community in the decision-making process.
  • The company should also be willing to release the project under an open source license to allow for maximum flexibility and freedom for the community.
  • The presentation concludes that the transition to community-driven open source is a process that requires careful planning, communication, and adaptation, but can lead to long-term success and growth for the project.