Franklin Koch MyST Markdown: Using notebooks in scientific publishing workflows | JupyterCon 2023

Discover how MyST Markdown enables interactive, reproducible, and executable papers in scientific publishing workflows, with a demo of creating and exporting papers, and discussion on benefits and challenges.

Key takeaways
  • Franklin Koch presents MyST Markdown, a tool for using notebooks in scientific publishing workflows.
  • MyST Markdown is a markup language that extends CommonMark and is inspired by RestructuredText.
  • It allows for interactive, reproducible, and executable papers that can be easily exported to various formats, including PDF, Word, and websites.
  • MyST Markdown can be used to create a variety of interactive elements, such as tables of contents, equations, and citations.
  • The tool can also be used to create custom templates and metadata for publications.
  • Franklin demonstrates how to use MyST Markdown to create a paper, including adding equations, citations, and a table of contents.
  • He also shows how to export the paper to various formats and create a website for the publication.
  • Franklin discusses the benefits of using MyST Markdown, including the ability to create interactive, reproducible, and executable papers.
  • He also talks about the challenges of adopting new technologies in the scientific publishing industry and the importance of creating a movement around reproducible and executable papers.
  • The tool is available for download and can be used with JupyterLab and VS Code.