From Burnout to Bliss: Strategies for Sustainable Success in Startups | Mark MacLeod, CEO Coach

Former startup CEO shares practical strategies to overcome burnout and create sustainable success through intentional leadership, clear boundaries, and proven wellbeing practices.

Key takeaways
  • Live and lead with intention - be purposeful about how you show up in every moment and role

  • Set clear boundaries between different areas of life (work, family, personal time) rather than trying to blend everything

  • Break the unhealthy “hustle culture” mindset that glorifies constant work and burnout

  • Practice daily gratitude - write down 3 things you’re grateful for each morning

  • Remember that intense work periods are temporary chapters, not permanent states - maintain perspective

  • Stop multitasking - humans can only effectively single-task, rapid task switching drains mental energy

  • Create specific intentions for major life roles/relationships and revisit them regularly

  • Take intentional breaks for recovery (meditation, exercise, hobbies) rather than using caffeine/alcohol to push through

  • Don’t let your inbox control your day - set proactive priorities rather than reactive responses

  • Make time for self-reflection through practices like journaling, meditation or regular life reviews

  • Recognize that success without balance and boundaries often leads to burnout and relationship damage

  • Improve gradually - focus on changing one area at a time rather than trying to fix everything at once