Fun with Generics - Daniela Petruzalek

Learn about the power of generics and options to simplify and abstract code, making it more reusable and functional, while also exploring advanced techniques for error handling and data processing.

Key takeaways
  • Generics are a tool to create more abstract and reusable code.
  • Generics are powerful, but also offer complexity.
  • Options are a way to express that something can have a value or be undefined.
  • Options can be used to simplify error handling.
  • Options can be used to make code more functional, by treating them as a way to process data.
  • The power of generics lies in their ability to create types that are more abstract and reusable.
  • Options can be used to implement functions that work with any type.
  • Generics can be used to create standalone functions and methods that work with any type.
  • Generics can be used to simplify error handling by providing a way to handle errors in a more elegant way.
  • Options can be used to extend the functionality of a data structure, such as a list or a map.
  • Type inference helps to reduce the complexity of working with generics.
  • Options can be used to implement a lazy sequence, such as a stream or an iterator.