GitLab CI and Kubernetes: deploying Applications continuously to Kubernetes | Alexander Trost

Deploy applications continuously to Kubernetes with GitLab CI and Kubernetes, automating the process from code changes to application availability with scalable and manageable container deployment.

Key takeaways
  • GitLab CI and Kubernetes can be used to deploy applications continuously to Kubernetes.
  • A container and Kubernetes are essential parts of the process.
  • To start, you need a Kubernetes cluster and a Git repository.
  • A developer creates a merge request in GitLab, which is a way to present changes to others.
  • After reviewing the changes, the code is merged, and the pipeline is triggered.
  • The pipeline runs the application and builds a Docker image.
  • The image is pushed to the GitLab registry, and a Kubernetes deployment is triggered.
  • The deployment spins up the containers, and the application is available.
  • Kubernetes provides a way to scale and manage the application.
  • To roll back or roll forward, a developer can use the GitLab CI and Kubernetes.
  • A typos in code can be caught during the normal testing phase.
  • The speaker recommends automating the testing and building process.
  • The speaker suggests using GitLab CI and Kubernetes for automating tasks.
  • The speaker suggests using templates for GitLab CI and Kubernetes.
  • There are different ways to integrate GitLab CI and Kubernetes, such as using a Kubernetes cluster per repository or per project.
  • The speaker thinks that having a private GitLab instance makes it easier to integrate with Kubernetes.
  • The speaker suggests revisiting some parts of the talk for further explanation.
  • The speaker recommends consulting the GitLab documentation for more information.
  • The speaker suggests using CI runners to automate tasks.
  • The speaker suggests making use of cascade deleting.
  • The speaker suggests using external tools, such as Prometheus operator.
  • The speaker recommends using metadata to automate tasks.
  • The speaker suggests using artifacts to store and share data.
  • The speaker recommends double-checking for typos.
  • The speaker recommends using wildcard certificates for external access.