🚀 "Good Enough" Architecture (Stefan Tilkov)

Discover the importance of finding the "good enough" architecture for your project, learning to balance simplicity and scalability, and prioritizing business needs over technological complexity.

Key takeaways
  • “Good enough” architecture is sufficient for most projects, and over-engineering can lead to inefficiencies.
  • There is no one-size-fits-all approach to architecture, and context is crucial.
  • Decoupling is important, but couple small components can be beneficial.
  • Modularization can help with scalability and maintainability, but is not always necessary.
  • Some architecture styles, like event-driven architecture, can be overcomplicated and unnecessary.
  • There is no such thing as a “best” architecture, and context-dependent choices are essential.
  • Architecture is not just about designing systems, but also about making conscious decisions and avoiding rigidity.
  • Conway’s Law applies: the structure of an organization mirrors the structure of its architecture.
  • Over-engineering can lead to complexity, and simplicity can be a good choice.
  • Technology is not the primary concern; prioritizing business needs is key.
  • Architecture is not just about scalability, but also about maintainability and usability.
  • There is no perfect architecture, and evolution is essential.
  • Architecture is not a one-time activity, but an ongoing process.
  • Continuous delivery and integration can lead to improved architecture.
  • Some architecture choices are made because of technology choices, such as using specific programming languages.
  • Over-engineering can lead to inefficiencies and unnecessary complexity.
  • Fit-for-purpose architecture is a crucial concept, where the architecture is designed to meet specific needs.
  • Some architecture styles, like microservices, can be overcomplicated and unnecessary.
  • There is no such thing as a “good” or “bad” architecture, and context-dependent choices are essential.
  • Architecture is not just about designing systems, but also about managing complexity and change.
  • Over-engineering can lead to complexity, and simplicity can be a good choice.
  • Some architecture choices are made because of business needs, such as scalability and usability.
  • Architecture is not a one-time activity, but an ongoing process.
  • Continuous delivery and integration can lead to improved architecture.